August 2011

What time did you get up this morning?

- by admin

6:40am which was for some reason totally glorious

How do you like your steak? rare and bloody.

What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2 and I'm now ashamed to say that I teared up at some points and held my breath in others. It was great.

What is your favorite TV show? Mad Men or Breaking Bad but probably Big Love because I just adore Bill Paxton.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? I realized recently that I like pretty much everything about the EU from their food to their booze, their languages, their accents when they speak English (swoon), their beautiful people, their history, and their music. Recently we watched From Poland with Love from the Vice Guide to Travel which made me realize that I'd love to go to Poland. So maybe there.

What did you have for breakfast? pancakes with vanilla and coffee.

What is your favorite cuisine? European

What foods do you dislike? this:

Favourite Place to Eat? segovia tapas bar

Favourite dressing? salad cream

What kind of vehicle do you drive? Bike

What are your favourite clothes? all of them, I'm a girl

Where would you visit if you had the chance? LA to hang with Tony

Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? optimism for the win

Where would you want to retire?

Favorite time of day? bedtime

Where were you born? in the hospital

What is your favorite sport to watch? lady boxing

Who do you think will not tag you back? nobody I don't tag

Person you expect to tag you back first? shut up

Who are you most curious about their responses to this? nobody, ergh

Bird watcher? no that's silly

Are you a morning person or a night person? night person, mornings and I are only friends because Ty makes me breakfast and coffee every morning

Pets? n/a until I can harass Ty into getting a kitten

Any new and exciting news that you'd like to share?

What did you want to be when you were little? golfing farmer (big ambitions!)

What is your best childhood memory? playing Sailor Moon

Are you a cat or dog person? dog, but cats are okay

Are you married? not yet

Always wear your seat belt? being safe is cool

Been in a car accident? no

Any pet peeves? greasy hair, greasy people, greasy food

3Favorite pizza topping? ham & pineapple

Favorite Flower? bird of paradise

Favorite ice cream? french vanilla

Favorite fast food restaurant? A&W

How many times did you fail your driver's test? didn't

From whom did you get your last email? Mike from SquarePeg about my latest article.

Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?

Do anything spontaneous lately? every day

Like your job? it pays the bills

Broccoli? Albert?

What was your favorite vacation? Montreal for MUTEK

Last person you went out to dinner with? @keamster where we induced a bread coma

What are you listening to right now? this:

What is your favorite colour? undecided, I like many

How many tattoos do you have? zero

Coffee drinker? religiously

How many children do you have? none

Are you in love? obviously

Nudememphis made me do it.


Today is Barack Obama's 50th birthday

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I've been hearing a lot of negative things about the president lately

it seems like he's getting the blame for a lot of things that are either beyond his control, for things that can't be fixed in a couple of years, or are tough situations to navigate because of the insane things happening in Washington right now

but it's really easy to place the blame on one person, and I think that when he was elected we all expected that despite the shitty situation he inherited -the economy, the wars, etc- he would just magically fix all of it the minute he took office

that's not how things work, and it's not fair to say 'he should have fixed this by now'

people call the president a 'socialist', a 'fascist', a Muslim and a Nazi without stopping to realize that all of those terms all mean very different things (pick up a thesaurus, for Christ's sake)

but do you remember the elation you felt when he was elected? Like this was a turning point for the United States, like maybe things were going to start getting better

and then shit hit the fan and now we have scary people like Michelle Bachmann and Rand Paul running around, and people have forgotten what Barack Obama once meant for us: an America that's talked about by their founding fathers. Where anyone could accomplish anything if they worked hard enough. A country of equality, of free speech and shared responsibility. Where looking after those less fortunate than you wasn't a burden. Where it was your responsibility as an American to help others and to be a good example for the rest of the world

maybe that's why people are so upset with the President, because those don't seem to be contemporary 'American values'

but I hope that today, on his birthday, we can stop and remember what he meant to us back in 2008 and reflect on what he should mean for us now: a leader with a vision of a country that seems to have been lost somewhere between chasing Capitalism and fearing the Communists. One that he is working hard to restore.

Barack Obama is obviously an intelligent, complex and compassionate (not to mention awesome) person who has a really tough job, so let's cut him some slack today, alright?

So happy birthday Mr. President. Go check your FaceBook and see all the nice people who've wished you well. Check your Tweets and take note of all the kind things people have said. There are people in your country and all over the world who believe in you, and your vision of America.

Keep on rockin' in the free world.

Connect Do's and Don'ts

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(photo cred to Kerry, I jacked this shot of the main stage from her FB album)

Back from Connect and still recovering. Between the intense 8-hour drive, many many rest stops, tornado that happened nearby and the scarily-intense thunderstorm that had us pulled over on the side of the road for a good ten minutes getting there felt like the biggest relief ever and deserved all those beers that I chugged back as soon as my feet met with campground dirt. It's only my second year attending this mega-shitshow festival but all my friends are Connect veterans and have taught me well in the ways of partying and now I'll share some of my Connect knowledge with you:

DO: Drink nonstop
Obviously the only reason anyone goes camping anytime is to eat smokies on the BBQ and get wasted, but the only way to escape the seriously blistering heat at Connect is to find some shade in the big field by the main stage, crack open your beer/waterbottle full of gin/rocket fuel and get smashed while listening to whatever minimal/electro/psy/whatever is playing. No glass bottles are allowed so either bring as many cans of decent beer as you can afford or pre-mix in some water bottles before getting there.

DON'T: Shit yourself while blacked out
'Nuff said.

DO: Gorge on canteen food
In particular the Connect Taco Salad is stuff of legend: a bag of nachos with the bag as the bowl (classy) with cheese, lettuce, beef and sour cream all over them. When you're wasted off your face there's nothing that tastes better than the zillion calories you'll inhale while gorging on that salad and chugging your booze. Other Connect canteen food faves are: perogies, chicken burgers, and the breakfast served until 1pm in case you're too hungover to turn on your own camping stove and make your lazy ass some food.

DON'T: Swim in the pond
I made this mistake my first year while in a state of near-blackout wine-induced sleeping-in-the-tent-during-30-degree-heat sweat while the showers were occupied. It was great for five minutes until I realized that I stank of stagnant, brown pond water and consequently grossed out both myself and the other chicks waiting in line for the shower. One girl was nice enough to let me cut her in line which is both a testament to how nice drunk people can be and how rank that pond is. Don't swim in it.

DO: Bring a wagon
Good for hauling food, booze, camping gear, or your idiot drunk friends. Make sure to take pictures of them getting into, sitting in, and attempting (and failing) to get out of the wagon for future hilarity.

DON'T: Sleep through your set
If you're scheduled to play make sure either a) you don't get super wasted and completely pass out before your set, or b) make sure your real friends around around to wake you up for it.

DO: Bring a utility belt
Smartest move ever. It holds all the necessities you could need for a festival: booze, water bottles, cigarettes (if you smoke), snacks, keys, band-aids, etc. Don't be a ninny and lug a giant purse or bag around with you all weekend, just cram everything into your utility belt and enjoy feeling like a Final Fantasy character (or a drunk handyman) as you sling it around your waist and go off on adventures.

DON'T: Expect to get a lot of sleep
The main stage may shut down during the morning but anyone with a car, stereo or in our case a megaphone aren't going to keep quiet, so if you're passing out around 6am you'll probably be up around 9am. This year I took intermittent afternoon naps (aka drank and fell asleep) which is probably the safest way to ensure you're good to go when the party begins again in the evening. Nothing is worse than crashing out at 10pm at Connect. It's not the Connect Rest and Relaxation Festival, after all.

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