today's confessions


stole change from the laundry dish for two bus trips (bad)

thought mean things about the girl who carded me at the LC cause I'm stupid and forgot my ID (bitch)

thought mean things about myself because I forgot my ID (idiot)

read some blogs but didn't comment (sorry)

talked about masturbating in front of an old person (awkward)

masturbated (twice)

talked about masturbating on the internet (once)

didn't email my mom back (oops)

spent too much time reading reddit (normal)

spent too much money on grapes ($5!!)

spent too much money on alcohol ($30)

complained too much about the weather (it's winter)

didn't commit to making plans with friends (@cenquist and @adriantrimble)

wrote a shitty blog post (it happens).

tomorrow's another day.