had a dream about classes ending last night

and I always have weird dreams about school or vacations or my job or whatever I have looming right away in life.
in this dream I walked into my visual rhetoric class and my prof
-who of course isn't the actual prof that teaches the class because then it wouldn't be a dream-
was all
"okay we're going to have a term exam as well as the final exam so open yr books and two of the questions listed"
which honestly freaked me out (in my dream) because we hadn't been told about any term exam so I was freaking out a bit and my friend @JohnNorman was there and his wife also who is super smart and they both told me it wouldn't be an issue because I was smart, too.
except I didn't remember reading the books mentioned in the term exam questions
one of the questions asked about how the changing hairstyles of one of the secondary characters represented their internal conflicts (struggles?) and I was all
I have no idea how changing personal styles represent developing and resolving internal conflicts
wtf am I doing in university
and I was freaking out because johnny khemlab had already written two pages and I hadn't written anything yet and for some reason I was carrying around all these papers in my bag. like weird looseleaf pages from old homework and hand-outs and crap that I didn't need but had for some reason.
so I'm going through this huge pile of paper because I'm trying to find my lecture notes so I can answer these questions and not get an F on my term exam
stressing hard because it's almost the end of the term how could I be so disorganized and not be able to remember what the changing hairstyles mean at a critical moment?!
then the cats decided to walk on my face and yell at me which woke me up
so that solved that problem.
I also had another dream about a strange man who followed me around a scrapyard as I made art from sand but that's another story.