August 2012

Just saw some Egyptian dude fail at getting an olympic bronze medal

- by admin

what in? weight lifting. if I was listening properly (I wasn't) buddy was trying to lift 350lbs which is insane because that's like two and a half more of me and my boobs are too big to be a ballerina.

he lined up and picked up the weights and got 'em as high as his shoulders and I was all

woah this guys neck veins are going to explode

and he dropped it and looked like he was going to cry and you know what I would, too, if I was in the olympics and my thing was lifting heavy things (which always seems weird to me as a competitive sport) and I couldn't do it and the whole world was watching

well, I'd probably go offstage and cry, too

then find myself a consolation prize in the olympic village.

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