August 2012

when you live together dating gets weird

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because when you don't live together every time you see each other is this total 'omg' moment where you're reminded that this really fantastic person actually wants to come to your crummy house and hang on your sofa and watch bad movies with you, or vice-versa. it's all fresh and new and sweet.

remember when you used to stress about which outfit to wear before they came over? fix your hair and/or makeup and use mouthwash?

yeah. me too.

nowadays instead of saving up for fancy dinners every once and a while and spending too much money on wine Tyrone and I go on biking adventures all over the place and fit cheap meals in at dive restaurants that make stuff like shawarma and dim sum and pho. maybe that's just us though, but now that we're settled in going somewhere fancy doesn't seem like such a huge deal and besides I get much better food and service at a place that has plastic tablecloths than one with linen most of the time anyway.

there's this nice level of comfort that sets in where it's okay to not have to take someone into a dark corner of a room and sit a foot from each other over expensive martinis because it's what's 'cool' and 'hip' to do. when taking mass transit (or, again, bikes) is acceptable over catching a cab. when staying in and making kale chips and watching a movie is a preferable option to sitting in a theatre eating expensive food and listening to some douchey teenagers in the row behind you comment the whole time.

not that things aren't still sweet. they are. just differently.

when stuff like doing the laundry together begins to matter, or who did the dishes last. boring stuff. the stuff that shitty magazines like cosmo tell girls that we need to avoid at all costs because if we're not always dolling ourselves up or putting scrunchies around his dick as a surprise in bed (I literally read that once) you're not 'doing relationships right'.

it's just weird to me that all these things that we're primed to take as red flags are actually signs that things are going well. that you haven't fucked it all up. things you can only really know once you've experienced the shift from 'omg dating anxiety' to 'that other person who lives in my house and whom I bang on the regular' and until then spend all this time fretting and stressing about it getting there.

originally this post was going to be about how we went to value village and how I bought a sweater and a jogging jacket and I have no idea how I got so derailed.

I don't know how it got here.

some NASA peeps who worked on Curiosity are doing an AMA today

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which is awesome because it shows that they know who to get excited about science -young, tech-savvy people who aren't too jaded (or just jaded enough) to give an f about science and the great things we're accomplishing as a species

instead of watching my super sweet 16 and drinking a quart of coke and eating chick-fil-a.

when I was a kid the only kid we knew who was into science wore matching clothes with glow-in-the-dark dinoaurs and planets on them that kind of looked like pyjamas that his mom made

he was weird and awkward and bought me books on pascal and pong for my birthday when I was in elementary (because back then you invited the whole class)

and I totally didn't get the cool knowledge he was trying to impart on me until I was older and watched The Cosmos and developing an obsession with carl sagan and technology and science

so, sorry guy.

but hopefully kids these days won't be dumb like I was and not start to care about science until we're older because we have cool guys like Neil deGrasse Tyson and NASA Mohawk Guy and the twitter team creeping into the IRL world to let peeps know that it's cool to be interested in science and do big, great, ambitious things
so check out their AMA and learn yrself a thing or two

cause science is fucking cool.



she was all "don't creep me on The Internet!"

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and I was all "then baby why are you ON The Internet?"


you know what's good?

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this video by the weakerthans

eating all the greens in your salad till you're left with just the good stuff

peeing in the shower

beers in the shower

(but not at the same time)

this vis of Steve Wozniak talking about The Internet

that moment your body adjusts to the lake temperature while swimming

a bloody bbq'd steak

making out


that time we landed a car the size of a machine on another planet flawlessly

Eric Bana's Face

running through long grass like in a movie


this article on why people pirate


ish is pear-shaped

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which is to say that things have been less than stellar

and it's totally my fault

which sucks to admit out loud, or even to yourself

because, it turns out

inside yr own head isn't an awesome place to hide from who you are

when who you are isn't someone you're happy with

and when you have a drunk girl sitting on the floor across the room

speaking about TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH at you

and you're drunk

afterward all you can bring yourself to say is


(I miss you)

Hip Hop Sunday #43 Aesop Rock - Zero Dark Thirty

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back from the cabin
where swims were swum
drinks were drunk
laughs were laughed
meat was BBQ'd and consumed
and toasts were made
(both of the long & short variety)
we have good friends
we have good food
we have love in our lives
so let's down a glass
and be happy.

which I am.

happy Hip Hop Sunday.

blog with yr tits out

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because it's too damn hot and yr girl doesn't have central air or droves of men to fan me with giant peacock fans (yet)

and instead have to settle for lying around naked on the bed with candles and coffee and cat cuddles because cats love to climb all over yr bare skin and dig their nails into you

like girls, or boys with long nails (which is gross)

anyway we're lying around on the bed naked and ford is stalking the incense my parents brought back for me from the states which is called "attract money" which doesn't really make sense. I've never understood why incense has to have stupid names like "banish sadness" or "happy rush" or "ecstasy" because none of them do that, or are that.

all they do is make the room smell good after you've cleaned or fucked.

so here I am burning it while the cat climbs all over me and I'm typing on my stomach because the laptop is making my legs warm in an uncomfortable way so I'm sort of sprawled out all weird. blogging like this is hard, but I do it because I love you. because I need to. because I have to.

which are all the reasons I'm trying to convince Tyrone to take me to Dan Mangan in november. also my birthday is the 11th so it can be my birthday present, right? right.

not to mention Dan Mangan has got some of the cutest & sweetest tunes out there.

not to mention we almost never go out to concerts these days.

not to mention I've now talked about it on the Internet.

not to mention that Tyrone gets to watch me blog with my tits out.

it's all about the top comment

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musings of a bicycle-riding girl

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you know I ride my bike to work almost every day.

it's a soild 10km there and another back, so yr grl is getting in good shape this summer

I'll crush your ribs with my thighs of steel.

biking is getting pretty big here (which is nice)

this morning I counted and I passed over thirty cyclists on my way to work

we all smiled and waved at each other

because we're bros

on our motherfuckin' bikes

which is cool.

but what isn't cool is how drivers treat you when you're on yr bike

they handle you with kid gloves

then get mad when you treat them like they're in cars.

for example

this morning I was waiting to cross Corydon Ave

when some dude in a truck was driving by and slowed down because he saw me waiting to cross the street

then got mad at me and honked because I didn't cross while he was illegally stopped in the middle of the intersection

he even flipped me the bird!

this happens -I kid you not- at least once a day

and I don't get it.

I'm riding a bike, more or less unprotected, so I try to avoid being too close to giant metal machines that could kill me in an instant

but they always slow down anyway, or stop completely

like they're doing me a favour (which they aren't)

and frankly it ruins my otherwise lovely bike ride to have some asshat in a giant truck giving me the finger because I'm trying to obey the rules of the road and he figures he's better than everyone else so he can stop wherever he wants

which explains why he's driving a truck, I guess.

I have a wide-on for DDL

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which stands for Daniel Day-Lewis in case you were wondering.

back in the day I went and saw "There Will Be Blood" with my ex who I lived with in Hamilton. we were reaching the tail-end of our boring relationship and a typical night out was seeing a movie and going to some chain restaurant which is okay sometimes (except not the chain restaurant part) but not always and I don't think he was really into what was probably going to be a really long, intense movie, which is exactly why I wanted to see it.

we were in a shitty theatre where the seats were all really close together and this couple in front of us wouldn't shut up and it was driving me crazy.

for example, there's this really intense scene that I can't tell you about because it's a crucial part of the movie and the guy starts going


and in a heated exchange wherein I informed them that if I had wanted to watch the movie with running commentary I would have waited to get the dvd and they said some nasty things to me and I said some nasty things back and then some other people in the rows around us stood up for me and told them to stfu also eventually we harassed them into leaving the theatre

which in hindsight is both somewhat of a dick move and also hilarious.

because if you think you're important enough to talk through a Daniel Day-Lewis movie you've got another thing coming.

after that we watched the rest of the movie in peace

though my now-ex boyfriend was less than impressed with what became one of my favourite movies

and sadly that debacle in the theatre was the most exciting thing that happened to us that night.

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