blog with yr tits out

because it's too damn hot and yr girl doesn't have central air or droves of men to fan me with giant peacock fans (yet)

and instead have to settle for lying around naked on the bed with candles and coffee and cat cuddles because cats love to climb all over yr bare skin and dig their nails into you

like girls, or boys with long nails (which is gross)

anyway we're lying around on the bed naked and ford is stalking the incense my parents brought back for me from the states which is called "attract money" which doesn't really make sense. I've never understood why incense has to have stupid names like "banish sadness" or "happy rush" or "ecstasy" because none of them do that, or are that.

all they do is make the room smell good after you've cleaned or fucked.

so here I am burning it while the cat climbs all over me and I'm typing on my stomach because the laptop is making my legs warm in an uncomfortable way so I'm sort of sprawled out all weird. blogging like this is hard, but I do it because I love you. because I need to. because I have to.

which are all the reasons I'm trying to convince Tyrone to take me to Dan Mangan in november. also my birthday is the 11th so it can be my birthday present, right? right.

not to mention Dan Mangan has got some of the cutest & sweetest tunes out there.

not to mention we almost never go out to concerts these days.

not to mention I've now talked about it on the Internet.

not to mention that Tyrone gets to watch me blog with my tits out.