Of Truth and Magic

is a movie that J and I decided to check out based on a review from The Uniter that went something like this:

"Of Truth and Magic is the best film this year thus far"

which was a pretty bold statement to make, so not knowing anything else about the movie at all we headed down to the Cinémetheque last Thursday to see what all the in-print fuss was about.

We weren't disappointed.Diptic

In addition to screening the film itself the evening also included an adorable speech by local filmmaker Curtis L. Wiebe, who wrote and directed and starred in the film.

And also several of his other short films, which were all charming and cute as f.

And also a bunch of live music, including a song which featured a string quartet.

And all that before the movie, which is what we originally showed up to see

originally not having any idea what we were in for

which turned out to be so much better than we could have imagined.

(The film, by the way, is just as good as The Uniter promised it would be.)

You can check out all of Curtis L. Wiebe's work here, which I highly recommend that you do