It blogs!

Apparently October starts this week which means time has officially lost all meaning. There's a presidential debate tomorrow and usually I'd be excited as hell since I'm a huge politics wonk, but I'm so run-down with the pandemic and Trump's bullshit and

not-so-secretly afraid of America slipping into a totalitarian state and/or civil war, and us being right next door

that I'm getting heart palpitations just thinking about it. Someone pass the wine.

Over the weekend I made a bunch of art. I've been working with my hands a lot lately through origami and acrylic and gouache and origami and collage

(the last of which is really my favourite)

and listening to podcasts about history and cultures and politics (of course) at the craft table John helped me set up in my office a few weeks ago. The space is a work in progress but it's nice to have somewhere I can spread out and not worry about tidying up all the time, which is especially good considering that collage is a lot messier than I was expecting.

I also wasn't expecting collage to be so much work up-front. Think about it: in order to have enough little cut-up bits to make into larger collages, you need to spend a bunch of time cutting up all the little bits.

So that's what I've been doing, mostly. Snipping, and waiting.

Yesterday I painted some abstract backgrounds on watercolour paper with my gouache paints and tonight imma start gluing and creating my firs collages.

I don't have a hot clue how they're going to turn out, but that's half the fun imo.

But before that we've gotta hit up the store and I've gotta throw together some tortellini soup for dinner so I've gotta run.

Missed you, xo

P.S. Big a very big "thank you" to John, who gave my website a fresh redo!

Tags: Life