Tagged: george-carlin
George Carlin always knows just what to say
- by admin
because, yeah, fuck lance armstrong
I'm sick of hearing about him.
I really admired george. still do, even though he's gone
that guy made a living trolling the world, and was good at it.
which is a rare thing, let me tell you.
as a recovering troll (it's true)
nothing gets under my skin more than internet trolls
because they're never arguing valid, well-articulated points
unlike a good real-life troll. that's a skill.
as @Gramiq put it:

which is why george carlin was such a genius.
we don't have Black Friday up here in Canada
- by admin
not that I'd go if we did
I don't believe in camping and fighting and lining up
just to get a good deal on something I probably don't need anyway
(the only exception to this is my iPhone, but I needed that ;) )
so instead I spent my Friday working and hanging out with my friends
instead of shopping
because I don't need more stuff
and you know what one of the greatest thinkers of our time had to say about that