Tagged: winnipeg-jets
Know what I don't care about?
- by admin
That Winnipeg will be getting a new NHL team.I've been bombarded with new reports, FaceBook updates and tweets from various #Winnipeg peeps about the economic benefits, the social benefits, the local pride, etc.
And you know what? I still don't give a shit.
I've been called a "bad Winnipegger" and "not a real Canadian" by some people in the Twitterverse after voicing my displeasure over having to constantly read and re-read about how zomg there's going to be a 'riot' at Portage and Main when the announcement is made. Or wait, isn't it supposed to be The Forks? Typical Winnipeg, nobody can coordinate properly (I kid).

I'm actually sitting here and listening to coworkers talk about getting "cheap season tickets at 400$ a pop", which might not seem like a lot (yes it does) but apparently you have to sign a commitment to agree to buy season tickets for three years? Is that true? Ouch!
I guess they aren't as hardcore as these peeps, though:(I'm not sure what the original source of this photo is, it's being retweeted all over the place -I got mine from @kentonlarsen)
And also, guys, we aren't "getting the Jets back". It's a totally different team -The Jets were sold to Arizona and became the Phoenix Coyotes, and the team we're apparently getting is the Atlanta Thrashers. And I don't know if I fully buy that "getting the Jets back" is acquiring another team and then switching the name back.
I think one commenter in the Winnipeg Free Press put it pretty well:
MAY 31, 2011 AT 10:05 AM
" subject to NHL board of governors' approval "
I will gladly eat some humble pie, when its approved by everyone that needs to approve it. Until then, SHUTUUPPPPPP!! YOU JET FANS ARE SOO ANNOYING!! I really hope they don't call them the jets again, give it up! at least get a new name! Do all of you who have pets, keep re naming your new dog your dead dogs name.....
Hey, they said it, not me.
But if we Winnipeggers are going to insist on keeping the same name, can we at least get a better theme song?
It's 2011, surely we can do better than that.
But hey, don't let my being a Negative Nancy rain on your parade. Just because I'm not changing my Twitter icon to a Jets logo or donning my dad's old Jets jersey and wearing it around the office with pride (he didn't have one, he's just as apathetic about this as I am -nor would I do that) doesn't mean I won't go to the occasional game and get stupid drunk and yell obscenities at the other team.
You'll just have to buy my ticket for me.