Je veux ton amour

I need to be honest with you, I can't hide it anymore.

I can't deny shaking my ass, tapping my toes and my fingers

I can't deny the fierce lip-syncing.

I love Lady Gaga.
She's the best and the worst of the music world and I simultaneously want to hate how cheesy and Top 40's her stuff is while being completely enthralled with how simple it is, how catchy and how it makes me think of Queen and David Bowie.

Everything she does is pure fucking entertainment.
She's so ridiculously over-the-top, so terrifically haute couture, so fucking vogue that I can't help but be consistently entertained and amazed by her ability to make me watch all of her videos over and over again.

The woman's videos are almost slave-like to a fashion fetish, they're a visual orgasm.

I would pay good money to attend one of her concerts.
Haters say that she tries too hard to be different, that she's attempting to be the "new Madonna" and I say 'so what?'.

She's manipulating the system by being cheesy and shocking the same way that Kanyé of the West manipulates it by being a fucking douche all over the place.

At least she keeps things interesting and different.

You'd better believe that I'm buying the expanded re-release of her album on the 23rd.

You'd better believe I've been watching this video over and over again.