My speeding heart

Every Friday as you all know there's the Ask Tony portion of the Busblog and this was what I asked Tony and the response I got back in all his wisdom:

Alyson: On the ladies: glasses or contacts?

im a weirdo, i like glasses. i dont care what kind of glasses. horn rimmed, john lennon type, sexy secretary, see thru vision jobs, all kinds. you know who i think is beautiful? mrs chad cavalaro. aka
smelly mrs danielley. sometimes she wears matt good glasses, sometimes she goes au natural. i can see why women wouldnt wear glasses on their wedding day, but i think they are an accessory that often gets a bad rap.

first: I totally agree, Danielle is a complete fox.

second: I asked Tony because I got a new pair of glasses over the weekend and am a little nervous about 'em, wearing strictly contacts and all.

So here are some shots of my stupid face with new glasses on:

What do you guys think?