I just can't be with you like this anymore

Welcome to my Tuesday Afternoon in Montreal.

Last Tuesday, to be exact.

Today I took my dad out to our fav greasy spoon - The Paladin - for his bday lunch today and gave him a sweet Thunderbirds card that had a picture of Jeff Tracy and said "Super Dad" on it that I thought he would like, and I was right. Now, if only I could find some of the Thunderbirds candy with little toys inside for him that he used to get as a kid. Do they still make them? Time for some research!

That and of course tidying up, packing an overnight bag for Ty's, painting more (I have a fab and super-secret art project I can't share just yet... you'll see why when it's done!) and working on more of my amazing coloring book while finishing up the 3rd season of Breaking Bad.

Tomorrow eve's the first Patio Pleasure Saturdays kicks off at The Academy tomorrow and I'm super excited to check out the sweet tunes that are going to be laid down by the likes of Khemlab, Chris Komus and a bunch more peeps. It's been a good long while since I've had eats and drinks with friends and I'm definitely looking forward to it. Let's hope it doesn't rain!

Happy weekend all! xo