Near the corner of Memorial and Me

Yesterday at the bank I realized the teller was a girl I'd gone to high school -no, scratch that- my entire K-12 French Imamersion experience with. I said an overly-zealous "hi!" when I realized who she was and it didn't seem to click for a moment until she looked at me and said "Alyson... is that you?!"

I always forget I don't look anything like my teenage self (thankfully!) but as she said it's always the eyes that give it away. Not that I'd want those to change, newp.

While I don't expect to actually hang out with her like we politely discussed it was nice to know she's doing okay and is still looking gorgeous; isn't it funny how just knowing someone else is doing well can make your day better?

Anyway, I also found out today that John Waters and his killer facial hair are coming to my hometown for the My City's Still Breathing art symposium in November! Can haz be excite?!

Apparently we won the bid to become the 2010 Cultural Capital of Canada so we'z be gettin' some mad dolla dolla billz (aka a cool $2 mil in funding) to put on a show.

Among others Mark Kingwell, Larry Beasley, and Leah Decter will be presenting/presenting and John K. Sampson of one of my fav Wpg-based bands -and singers of one of my favorite songs, One Great City! (I Hate Winnipeg)- The Weakerthans will be performing.

Zomg! Needless to say I will be caring out time from my busy student/working/headasplode schedule to be attending this Ish. Can't wait!