Lay dagger dead inside a lonely bed

After Tweeting about an important lunchbreak decision napping under my desk I emerged and started trollin' Teh Internetz in search of amusement while I finished off an English Muffin.

I found this trailer over at Laurenoutloud for Catfish, which a quick Google search told me not to watch because it apparently does nothing for the film.

Well I watched it anyway, and so should you, because trailers (generally) kick ass and this movie looks s'wicked.

Also I love their promo website, check it out.
Do it.

So between The Social Network (exciteexciteexcite)and Catfish there are two movies coming out this fall about FaceBook and I find that interesting; it's such a huge social phenomena and I don't think a lot of people take the time to stop and think about how online social networking has changed how we interact with each other.

Wired had an interesting article on how behavior spreads through online social networks that I read this morning, though it mentioned that it can't be used for Twitter or FaceBook yet due to the ever-changing dynamics and sheer volume of information.

There are posts coming out all the time on how to analyze FaceBook and Twitter just passed over 145 million users, so it doesn't look like we'll get comprehensive info on that anytime soon.

I wonder what it would look like if we could?

I honestly think we'd be creeped out by the answer.