Won't it be dull when we rid ourselves of all out demons haunting us?

Let me introduce you to the Wonder Team:
My posse for my first day.
Me 'n these dudes go way back.
Am I the only one who gets excited about pens and post-its?

I'm trying to keep it mnml, not go too over-the-top; iPad and dock for recording purposes, pad of paper for notes and proper notebook for re-writing (aka studying) notes taken afterward while re-listening to the recorded lecture.

I'm a little OCD about my study stylez as you may have noticed.

Okay okay, I'll try to stop being so overly-excited in all yr faces about it. In a month I'll be complaining about how tired and over-worked I am (no I won't. Maybe I will... a little) but just bear with me for another few hours while it's still shiny and new.

I know this'll eventually become my daily grind but I'm going to put all my efforts into making sure that I wake up excited and thankful every day (or at least most) for the wonderful opportunity that I've managed to create for myself and the great experiences to come.

I'm going to push myself to do my very best.
I'm going to take each day as a gift.
I'm going to be appreciate all the great people in my life.
I'm going to positively choose what kind of day I'm going to have.

God damn it, I'm going to live every week like it's Shark Week.