Hot like Mexico, enjoy

Spent all of yesterday recovering from #NuitBlancheWinnipeg on Saturday night; more on that later when the photos go up.

Sundays are best spent lying around, not getting dressed, sleeping lots, getting cuddles and watching shitty movies.

Our movie of choice was Logan's Run which is one of those terrible-but-awesome sci-fi movies from the 70's. It also features the worst robot ever and Farrah Fawcett!

Have you ever noticed that futuristic clothes from 70's movies have a kind of Greek feel to them? Except the earth-tone onseies from that Star Trek movie. Weird.

Ty was impressed I sat through the whole cheesy, terrible thing, but after devoting over an hour of my time to it I felt like I had to see it through.

It's like ripping off a band-aid, you can't just stop halfway.