We all live underground

We Live In Public from IndiePix on Vimeo.

Just finished watching We Live in Public on Netflix. I've been meaning to watch it for a while now and my first solo evening of do-nothing in ages, seemed perfect.

Chilling out with Gretchel and catching up on the Internet makes me a happy lady (even if I am totally aware of the irony of my online presence while watching this type of documentary).

Personally? I'm not afraid of the over-share. I have friends who freak out about things like FourSquare, and Places but honestly everything that you punch into a search engine, every word you write, and each time you use your debit card or your data plan is being tracked and cataloged anyway.

If I'm going to be tracked every time I do anything I might as well make the best of it and become excited about what the best of the Internet has to offer in connectivity and social media tools. The Internet -like life- is what you make of it, right?

I'll always love you, Internet, no matter how crazy you might make some people become.