You make my dreams come true

I'll tell you guys a dirty little secret of mine:

I'm the worst for getting my hair cut. It grows really quickly and I always need to get so much cut off and trimmed and it's such a hassle that I always push the envelope until my hair is out of control.

Luckily for me last week WagJag Winnipeg had a sweet deal for a wash, cut, style, highlight, deep conditioning treatment and manicure for a steal at fabulous VIXIN Salon and honestly I couldn't say no.
Let's just put it out there: the aesthetic of a salon is really important. I've gotten haircuts at some less-than-stellar locations and let me tell you, appearances aren't deceiving! Needless to say I was impressed with the way the salon looked from the start.

There was even a super-cute little Shi Tzu puppy running around -adorable!
Since I'm bad (student poor) and dye my hair straight black all the time obviously I wasn't getting any highlights, but they were sweet enough to re-dye my hair a gorgeous, shiny new ebony black for me -thanks ladies!

My stylist was unbelievable, she was so perky and chatty and really made the experience so much better, honestly I'm super neurotic and getting my hair cut really stresses me out, but she made it such a great experience and didn't even judge me when my eyes had an allergic reaction to my contact solution while I was there!

She dyed me and cut my hair like a pro, totally ignoring the fact that I looked like some sort of red-eyed monster the whole time. I wish I'd snagged her name but I think she gave me the wrong card (if you read this, hit me up with your name doll!)

Anyway, due to my dye issues and the fact that I love my longer hair, there wasn't much in the way to be done other than pamper myself and enjoy it.

However, I did make one slight adjustment:

I haven't had bangs like these in ages! Looking at that photo I feel very Gage-esque with them!

Needless to say it was a great experience, and a great way to wrap up my week in a Friday before going out with my friends. Unfortunately the manicurist was gone by the time my hair was done, but now that just means I get a free one when I go back -success!

Thanks again to WagJag for the sweet hook-up, I'm loving these On The Cheap promotions!