Love and Marriage

Last night my brother aged out of Cadets and of course the fam showed up to support him, which by this point means Ty, too, and my dad introduced him to a family friend as "this Ty, my future son-in-law". And in fact, whenever I mention him to a family member inevitably I get asked
so is he the one you're going to marry?.

Maybe this shouldn't bug me, but it does.My 'rents say it's because I've never datted anyone better and that's true, but why do I have to lock that ish down right now with a ring and a big to-do neither of us can afford?

Besides, what about the fact that I'm only twenty-three?
Or that we've only been together a year and a half?
Or that I've only just completed my first year of university?
Or, god forbid, what if we break up?
(fat chance of that hapening)

I just find it interesting that, despite being such a "forward thinking" society, the instant you become serious then that becomes the next step. What about personal goals and aspirations or self-discovery? There are a lot of things I want to do before I even consider getting hitched. If I do, it's a long ways off*

Although that being said, if I do I totally want it to look like this:

(hipster music included)

and be as sweet/loving at this:

Makes me cry every time

*I can almost hear Ty sighing with relief, haha!