I can't write today

like how I had coffee with one of the former mayors of my city (the only female one, look it up)
and she said that she thought I would really go far
that she thought my project was "really important work"
told me in an email after we parted ways that
she feels proud of me even though she doesn't really know me at all
which was really nice.
we finally watched solaris so I can stop bringing it up
watch it all in one go or at max two
because by the third try everything's all disjointed and
probably not as creepy as it would have been
if you'd just stayed awake the whole time
we're making a snack which is a pita pizza
it's got sundried tomatoes and cheese on it
and nothing else
because it's fucking cold outside and there is
chance in hell that I'm bundling up to go to the store
or that I'm going to make tyrone do it
(sometimes I can be nice)
my friend @cenquist and a few others
(@adriantrimble @benquist @brennanlumsdon to name a few)
made a short film during the summer called
The Pint of Justice
in which yr hero and tyrone make cameo appearances
(and you can watch at the end of this post)
where upon watching
I learned that
watching myself
touching adrian's chin makes me feel uncomfortable.
any other day I could have probably pulled all of these into
at least
a somewhat entertaining post
(or several!)
but not today
it's just one of those nowriting days
which are basically worse than anything when yr a writer