just made myself start choking

which sucked.

reached over for my glass of water which it turns out wasn't full at all anymore. but you know when there's nothing left in your glass and you're like

no I can make this work. there's a thirst quenching drop in there dammit.

so you tilt the glass back real far, like your head is facing the ceiling far and this one piddly little drop slooooowly slides down to your mouth and you're like

ome yes my thirst is quenched by that impossible little drop!

well this time I stupidly inhaled while it was rolling down my throat which means I started choking on a single drop like an idiot

so I'm rolling around in my computer chair hacking and coughing and cartwheeling with my arms and thinking

holy hell I'm going to die from choking on this single drop and tyrone is going to come home and find me dead and it's going to ruin our night out

because when you're freaked out you think stupid things.

anyway obviously I didn't choke to death which is good. can you imagine my family telling people that?

"alyson died in a freak water droplet accident"

bet you're glad I spared you that humiliation eh mom and dad?

you're welcome!