I lead the best life

10646710_10154549024605323_1919490947789051443_nI don't say that enough because we're trained not to say it.

We live in a big, cynical world and it's cool to emphasize the struggle and be a starving, fucked-up artist or whatever

but sometimes, when life is just right

you have to #humblebrag.

Which is what this post is.

I have amazing friends. It's funny how you only realize who the good, solid people are when you go through yr toughest times, but when they do holy hell does it feel good to know you have them in yr corner.

I have an amazing bf who is funny and charming and makes me feel like the only girl in the world. I love him endlessly.

I have a blossoming career that challenges and inspires me constantly.

I have all of you, who show up here and read day after day & year after year to read this nonsense and comment and send me nice messages once & a while. Because you're beautiful people.

Thank you, all of you, for making my life so rich.


yr girl Shaner