Tagged: bioshock-infinite
I can see why people are kinda hating on Bioshock: Infinite
- by admin
which isn't to say that I don't absolutely effing love it for those exact same reasons.
some of the themes that people don't like in the game are:
- racism
- extreme religious behaviour
- zealots
- exploiting others
- ideological societies
- crazy-go-nuts American nationalism
- extreme violence
among other things which I think is total BS.
What it is, is that the game is exposing and discussing things
(particularly about American society)
that make people
(particularly Americans)
It's shitty when someone points at you and goes "these are the ways you're fucked up, this is what you could be/are becoming" which the game really does.
And that hurts, I get it.
But what I think is shitty is that we have games like Call of Duty which totally demonize other countries/cultures
(okay some are about Nazis but not all of them)
which are perfectly okay even though they're just as violent and graphic
and we let little kids play them.
But when a
(beautiful, stunning)
video game comes out that makes a statement
and ruffles feathers
(as a good piece of art/creativity should)
people get upset
because it doesn't demonize the people they want
it points to them and says
"you're fucked up, too"
now go fight this giant mechanical monster.