Tagged: cenquist
Hip Hop #48 Nas - Daughters
- by admin
spent all day yesterday at @cenquist's place (and @benquist's, too) shooting vid for the Pint of Justice mini-film he's putting together
laughs were had
beer was drank
pizza was eaten
and I got to hit on @adriantrimble on film
which was pretty awesome.
except that was yesterday
and today's Hip Hop Sunday.
so enjoy it!
Hip Hop Sunday # 44 Lupe Fiasco - Lamborghini Angels
- by admin
apparently I forgot to publish this yesterday.
which I feel bad about, because I'd promised Colin I'd post it for him
and now I feel like a bad friend
which I would elaborate on, but pizza just arrived
and I'm hungry
happy belated Hip Hop Sunday
or, rather
happy Monday.
My friend Cenquist looks 12
- by admin

and on Saturday we went out to The King's Head to celebrate another year of him looking like a teenager
and drank beers that I assume he got ID'd to drink.
did I ever tell you how Cenquist and I met?
well, it was through the Internet
on twitter, actually
and I thought he was a bit of a know it all
until I met him IRL at #secrethandshake
and he was wearing a TMNT shirt and a TMNT hat
and I was all
"this guy is pretty legit"
and we've had many adventures since.
so happy un-birthday big guy
I promise that I'll throw you a party in half of The King's Head when you turn 50
even though you'll still look 12.