Tagged: covers-2
I'm a sucker for covers
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like today we were listening to this amazing playlist on songza called space age bachelor pad and this song came on that we got up and started dancing to (yeah I know) and then I couldn't find it again
what was it? oh you know, just this cover random of a song from my fair lady by bobby darin
and damn was it a catchy cover
which led to this ridiculous 20+ min search for somewhere I could listen to it again and post here which it turns out is basically impossible. maybe it's to do with the rights on the song or something but it's nowhere to be found, and I had to buy it on itunes the old-fashioned way and have no way to share it with y'alls.
oh well, you get this wicked cake cover instead.
remember cake? how could you forget?
well I did, for a while actually and was only reminded that they existed a few years back when tyrone came over just after we'd started seeing each other. you know that phase where you make sure to gargle mouthwash and sweep yr place and make sure you didn't leave a bunch of hair in the bathroom? yeah, then.
we were having an origami date which involved sitting on the floor in my tiny living room drinking red wine on a weeknight (which I rarely do) and eating grapes and cheese and make elegant paper cranes which I was awful at and of course tyrone excelled at doing. of course.
and I don't remember why but he put on short skirt long jacket and I was blown away by the cleverness of the lyrics that honestly I'd just never really paid attention to as a stupid kid when it came out.
I think I fell in love with him a little more because he reintroduced me to cake. but don't tell him that.
afterwards he sang along to their cover of strangers in the night while we sat on the couch and it's one of my favourite songs ever and that was basically it. I was done for, totally head-over-heels.
that's all it took.
okay yes Gotye is huge
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but if there's something I love more than a good track
it's a good cover
and this is one
the guy on the right totally makes it.
(props to @DJBerbs for the find & share!)
did I tell you smoky tiger rocked our socks the other night?
- by admin

usually they sing songs about Manitoba and weird Canadian history stuff but tonight was extra-special because they covered amazing songs sung amazingly by other people before them
and guys they rocked it
there isn't much room for dancing at The Standard but some people were cutting rugs but not your hero because I'm too self-conscious to dance all slow to slow Nirvana songs and not wound up enough to jump around all mosh-like to the fast Nirvana songs
and do you even dance to The Doors or do you just sit around and smoke joints and drink beers and listen and be amazed? because I've never seen anyone dance to The Doors
but I saw people dancing to Smoky Tiger singing The Doors while wearing a tiger hat with paws on a Saturday night
and that's close enough for me.