Tagged: fathers-day
Yesterday I saw Father's Day at the Cinématheque
- by admin

but don't be intimidated by the fact that I saw it in a movie theatre with an accent aigu in the name because it wasn't as fancy as it sounds, though the Cinématheque it pretty much the best place to find indie movies and film festivals playing in Winnipeg.
but I'm not here to talk to you about the great independent movie theatre that I adore in my city, I'm here to talk to you about the amazing grindhouse flick that I saw there which is Fathers Day. I blogged about Astron 6 waywayway back in August 2010 when they were casting for male parts in the movie and then again when I had to turn down an offer to audition because I had so much ish going on which I am thoroughly kicking myself for it now. Fuck!

anyway Father's Day premiered at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival and here is what it won:
audience choice awards: best feature film
best hero
best kills
most original film
best trailer
best poster
and that's just one festival which should be indicative of the credit that the movie deserves. everywhere this movie went it got amazing reviews (some of which you can read here, here, here, here, here and I think you get the point. there's lots more where that comes from).
anyway you didn't come here to read about what other people think, you came here to read what I think and here it is:
the movie is full of people eating other people, vomiting, blood, gore, gross sex, hallucinations, jackets, dicks, lots of topless ladies and one naked dude and I loved every minute of it. the plot goes from being weird and ridiculous about a guy who goes around raping dads to somewhere totally bizarre and way more "wtf" in the 3rd act and manages to keep its shit together. which is saying something. on top of that it's really, really funny. Canadians know humor, what can I say.
what I love most about the movie though, which kind of makes me a suck, is the amount of love that clearly went into making it. you could tell that everyone involved with it was doing it because they supported their friends who were making something really fucking cool and original. it has the same 'labour of love' feel as The Mighty Boosh and Trailer Park Boys except with more penises, boobies and entrails. which is fine by me.
we took John and Kat to see it with us and John loved it as much as we did and Kat made a face and told me "it had funny parts" and then told me that gore makes her nauseous. but she told me that she knew when the gory parts were coming because of the music that would start up so she knew when to close her eyes while the rest of us were trying not to blink and miss anything.
so if you're in Winnipeg and you like grindhouse stuff and you want to support some talented local filmmakers Father's Day is running at the Cinématheque until Saturday March 24th so pick a time to go see it and then tell me what you thought because the more praise I hear about the film the less creepy I feel blogging about how great it is over and over and over.
and if you don't live in Winnipeg and you want to give 'er a watch, Troma should be releasing it on Blu-Ray and DVD on father's day. fuck yeah.
also make sure to go 'like' Astron 6's FaceBook page and troll the collection of articles and fan art they post there so you know I'm not the only one obsessing hard over this movie.