Tagged: links
hi wednesday.
- by admin

hi scary original story of Pinocchio that has ruined the already-creepy children's film for me.
hi bike ride home. hi rain tomorrow. hi shitty bus commute to the office in the rain. hi friday when I can ride my bike again. hi 20km commute on my bike.
hi new lincoln poster that has me super jazzed about the film. hi undetermined movie I'll be watching in bed with tyrone later. hi netflix.
hi amazon notification email. hi new textbooks arriving soon that are 400$ cheaper than if I had bought them at the school bookstore. hi money saved sitting in my bank account waiting to pay my tuition.
hi caricature in germany pissing off christians. hi der spiegel. hi rosetta stone at home that's going to teach me german. hi new languages.
bonjour aux francophones. bonjour étudents à montreal. bonjour ma deuxième langue qui est difficile de parler et écrire mainteant. bonjour accent aigu, accent circonflexe, cédille.
hi bills, you can go away now.
hi new york times article about mcdonalds. hi really evil marketing of fast food at children. hi obese kids I always see at the park not running around and playing.
hi tony pierce who inspired this post.
a lot of people dump on Winnipeg
- by admin

because, okay, it's not a "cosmopolitan city" and our skyline needs work, I know
but we have a wicked phallus bridge that looks cool
and, okay, we don't get lots of cool, huge concerts all the time because we're kind of in the middle of nowhere
but our isolation means that we raise some wicked-talented people
and okay, the older generation are obsessed with moving into the suburbs and avoiding downtown at all costs
even though our downtown is actually awesome, and The Village is is the second highest-densely populated neighbourhood in the country
and, okay, building a megamall out in Tuxedo by the new IKEA that you have to have a car to access because it's designed so you have to drive from one part of the mall to another is really stupid
but at least we'll finally have access to snazzy Swedish furniture
and, okay, the Jets aren't doing so well, even though the whole city except me is obsessed with them and cheers nonstop and cares SO MUCH about hockey
it's still fun to watch over beers at The Yellow Dog, right?
and, okay, our mayor is a total jerk who does sketchy shit and kicks children in the face
but you know what?
we're tough, here in the 'Peg
because it's minus fucking forty-five today and we go about our business like it's nothing
none of you sissies in Toronto or Vancouver could handle this.