Tagged: symptomtech
omg it's Symptom Tech's birthday
- by admin
it's XVI old which means sixteen, which is the age I was when I went to one of their first parties which is kinda cray to think about.
it was called 20,000 Watts Under the Sea and my dear friend and onetime fake husband on the Internet alex-lee convinced me and my friend Dyan that it'd be a good idea to lie to our parents about where we were going and go to (dum dum dum) a rave.
if you haven't been to a rave don't bother because the crap they call 'raves' today isn't the kind of rave I went to that night and from what my elders from 'the scene' tell me this was on the tail-end of when raves were good, and believe me this one was good. so good that the giant fight I had with my parents when I came home the next day was totally worth it.
I was a changed almost-woman.
since then I've gone to my fair share of 'raves' and have watched the legitimacy of those massive parties slip away into the more sophisticated club shows that you can occasionally see my face out at, and are sometimes thrown by the kids at Symptomtech who, like me, aren't kids anymore.
now we're old and jaded and talk about the 'good old days when parties were still good'.
even though they're still good, sometimes. usually when the people I know are throwing them which is the case here but nevertheless.
that party changed things for me.
as a result of that one experience I met most of the people I'm friends with now, tyrone who I've been dating for nearly three years, a trip to montreal, multiple music festivals in other provinces, and my role in MEME.
all because Symptom Tech threw a party. and alex-lee took me to it.
thanks kids, and happy anniversary!