Sunday night, feelin' fine

I haven't felt this relaxed in weeks.
Not even that time I went for that massage a few weeks ago. I was all nervous and anxious and didn't enjoy it at all.
I think I walked out of there more stressed out than when I walked in.
Isn't what what massages are supposed to fix? Honestly.
Turns out what I need to unwind are these 10 steps:
1. Sleep my ass in
2. Make a healthy & tasty brunch
3. Hit the gym & run like a mofo
4. Do deadlifts & squats like a boss
5. Come home n clean the apartment
6. Run a bath
7. Sit in the bath and read TIME Magazine
8. Use up my Tiber River goodies from MBlog
9. Drink chamomile tea with honey
10. Hug my cats & Tyrone
Perfect. I feel ready to take on anything.
If I could just melt into the floor into a puddle of bliss, I would.
But I can't.
So I blog instead.