March 2012

it's International Women's Day

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and even though you guys know I'm all about Mr Tyrone I have to say, I love the ladies and I'm proud to be living in a time where society places importance on really important topics like making sure women receive the same education as men, that they are provided with opportunities to succeed and make a difference, and that there's a focus on old, old wooden ships in the workplace.

so in honour of #IWD2012 I want to take a second to give a shout-out to some really awesome ladybloggers who deserve your attention, respect, and totally platonic love.

Christine Estima
what I like about Christine is that even though I've never met her in person I don't get the impression that she takes any shit at all, which I hugely respect. she does a fantastic job of showcasing graffiti around Toronto and all the other crazy places she's travelled to and reading her blog is probably the closest I'll ever get to 'street cred', and is a mash-up of pictures of street art, posts about local events (usually street-art related), and some really insightful posts like Christine's Manifesto on Sex

Erica Glasier
Erica is wickedly funny and knows her shit. I met her earlier this year when we were both speaking on a panel at Red River College, and since then I've trolled her blog hard on a regular basis for her brand of quasi-snarky social media commentary. it's cheesy to say that I totally look up to this chick, but I do. if I can pull my head out of my ass once I graduate and be half as interesting/knowledgeable as her I'll be a happy lady.

Kris Göetz
known to many as the Shambled Rambler there is no other blogger chick in this world who I wouldn't love to slam back and beer and a Big Mac with. not only is she smokin' hot (as are all Canadian ladies, amirite?!) but she's funny as hell and runs her own company The Media Haus which is too busy to even have a website up, so I have to settle for linking to its twitter (which you should follow). oh, and her blog is a stellar read, also.

probably one of the few ladies I know still doing "old fashioned blogging" aka "take lots of pictures of your ish, your food, yourself, and make commentary" which is refreshing in an Internet of niche blogs about exercise and eating right. I love Krista because she's authentic, if she's having a shit say her blog reflects it, if something great is happening she spills her heart about that too and it's a rare quality in a person especially among people on The Internet. she gets a spot here because she's such a sweetheart (and her photography skills are pretty top-notch too).

you can love her or hate her or whatever but no matter how you look at what she's built for herself Raymi is still doing it after a decade, which is more than most people can say about any project or job which is saying something. I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about Raymi but if there's one thing the haters can't deny it's that she's made herself into a marketing tool and done pretty well for herself as a result.

some other ladies you should give your love to are

Kyla Roma + Smelly Danielly + Fashion Flirt + Gage + Joey

Photos from the megahot Krista + vintage Raymi

the guy at the next table

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is sitting with two other girls who are enraptured with his red hair and beard and lumberjack style and are eating their pre-class dinners and staring at him intently

while he bitches about his girlfriend

not cool, guy sitting at the next table.

how would you feel if your girlfriend -who it sounds like is a pretty nice chick, from what I'm eavesdropping- were sitting at a table bitching about you to two dudes who are staring at her with the same hungry-wolf intent that these two chicks are?

you wouldn't be feeling like such a hot lumberjack, would you?

no amount of pom-pom toques, no many variations of plaid, no number of piles of faded and torn jeans, no collections of scuffed loafers would be able to mend your broken heart
I bet
but here you are slamming her to these girls who -I should add- aren't being very nice to her either

a word of advice, jerkoff lumberjack guy:
don't take relationship advice from girls who are trying to eyefuck you while saying stuff like "well I've never met her but"
don't take relationship advice from someone who doesn't even know your significant other, Mr Logrider!
didn't you learn anything in the Great White North?
besides how to wrestle moose and blow up beaver dams and know which leaves to wipe with so you won't get poison ivy
I mean.

maybe you should be happy that your girlfriend offers to come by with coffee and bagels when you pull all-nighters
and drops off lunches for you on campus when you're here all day
and likes hockey and curling and wants you to go see John K Sampson
instead of spilling your coffee on yourself gesturing about how you wish she wouldn't

I think the problem is, actually, you're a jerk
and your antics aren't fooling anyone
except those two girls you're sitting with
I guess.

Just in case you forgot how cute we are

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(it's okay, I know you couldn't)


Tyrone made this for you guys

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Tinker Tailor Soldier Snore

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is what they should have called Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy which is a movie starring a bunch of really amazing British actors which fools you into thinking the movie will be anything but slow-moving, dull, tedious, and a lot of other synonyms for 'boring', which is what it was.

the picture above this text is a lie, or at least a partial one. the first bit is interesting but then it goes on forever and we just couldn't deal with it anymore.

in case you missed it, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy vs Spy is a film based on what is apparently a great book by John LeCarré which is about british spies and the amazing Gary Oldman stars a spy who comes back to start spying on a bunch of other spies of whom he used to be a part of, but isn't anymore due to a big complicated plot that I don't feel like going into because the plot managed to make a movie which is under two hours feel like four hours, which is why we didn't finish it.

the reason we started watching was 1. because we had just watched TMNT and wanted something "more serious" and 2. because I am addicted to watching Benedict Cumberbatch and now that Sherlock is between seasons I need to get my BC where I can get it which is apparently in Tinkerbell, Tailor, Soldier, Spy which is unfortunate because even his prime acting and sharp suits didn't save it.

but with a cast line-up including Gary Oldman, The Big BC, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy, John Hurt and more, Tinker, Taylor Swift, Soldier, Spy should be great, and the first part is except for the fact that it cuts between past and present tense so quickly that we had to stop the video and double-check that we weren't both confused about what was going on. which we usually were. maybe that's the point but there's only a year between both timelines so it's not even like you can really use style as an indicator, just Gary Oldman's hair colour changing back and forth.

maybe the book is better and certainly the film adaptation of The Spy Who Came in From The Cold was amazing but basically this film felt like a big circle-jerk about uppity slow british dramas and an attempt to see how long that people would sit in their seats and endure the whole thing, which was 2/3 of the way through for us.

and thanks to wikipedia I still get to know how it ended. which was how we both assumed it would end.

save yourself some time and read the plot here.


I never got to be on the Birthday Boat

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but one time I drew a picture of Beav and Buckley and they showed it on-air

and I was the happiest kid around

because in the 90's in Winnipeg MTN Kids was the shit.

I miss my childhood.


today is my mum's 30th birthday

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just like it was last year.

my mum is actually from a teeny town in England called Stourport-on-Severn where she lived until she was eight and my nan and granddad decided to jump across the pond and landed here in Winnipeg. last week she came by for tea and we went for a walk and she showed me the house the first lived in when she moved here, which is just up the street from where I live now which is weird to me. she told me about moving here in february and how cold it was and how she used to count the mosquito bites she and my uncles would get during the summer because they don't have mosquitoes in England, you fools.

but my mum didn't always live here, she traveled around with my grandparents through Alberta and lived in a trailer in the rockies with mountains right out her front door and eventually went back to England in her teens. but she missed all her cool Canuck friends and Canada's wide open spaces and when she was 19 she got on a plane all by herself and left her whole family to come back to Winnipeg which takes the kinds of balls I can only hope that I grow someday because, wow, that must have been hard.

one day my dad saw a gorgeous lady with big hair at a social and they danced to the rock lobster and a few years later your truly came along. next came Mike and she had prepared all these VHS tapes with all my favourite shows and made a list of which episode was which so I would have something to do while I was babysat during her delivery but I slept through the whole thing like the a-hole that I am.

after came Alex and my mum is so sweet that she didn't even get mad when, while she was pregnant, I told her that if she didn't have a baby girl I was going to hate it. she knew kids (especially ones with names that sound like Shmalyson Shmane) are stupid.

before I moved out of my parents house I used to go upstairs in the evening before bed and harass her while she was trying to watch some show about renovations or selling houses or crap like that because for some reason it was fun to watch tv with her even though I don't think she liked it.

she used to watch Star Trek: Voyager and used to get into arguments with this boyfriend I had about whether or not it was one of the shittier Star Treks, which is is (sorry mum). but she likes all the Saw movies which is both weird and awesome and makes up for her lame taste in Star Trek series.

there used to be a time when I never thought my mum and I would be close, which I guess is normal for every child especially the crazy female kinds and I think there may have been a time when she wasn't proud of me at all and wished that she'd never danced to The Rock Lobster and had this shitty kid. but she did and here I am and now that I'm trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing in this big, wide world she tells me that she's proud of me for doing it, and how I'm doing it, which means a lot. because I'm really proud of her, too.

happy birthday mum!

I love you,
Alyson xoxox

Hip Hop Sunday #32 Blu & Exile - Blu Collar Worker

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I love hip hop artists on bikes

Happy Hip Hop Sunday!


bask in the glory

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of the grocery store viking


I don't always watch sports

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but when I do it's sitting in a pub somewhere filling my face with wings and Half Pints creeping on first-year film students who have to listen to our booth getting progressively more obnoxious and rowdy the more beers we have the better the Jets play

and I drink this Half Pints because it's the best beer out there which makes the fact that the Garbonzo's on campus only carries their Bulldog Amber and had the gall to run out of it towards the end of the evening.

and I hang out with these two fools and argue about politics despite my best efforts (for once) and swap stories because we almost never see Will because either I'm too busy being a student or he's in Vancouver, again, so when I had to resort to hanging out on twitter because they were talking about cameras and video editing software it was like a warm, familiar, annoying hug.

and I make this is the stupid face after a bunch 'o beers when the Jets are destroying the Panthers which is a combination of beer, joy, spicy hot wing coma, and disbelief over the fact that I actually knew which two teams were playing

and I don't even give an f that it's going to snow like a mofo overnight and I'm going to slip three times while walking through this to get to work


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