Tagged: the-beatles
On this day 48 years ago The Beatles released "Help"
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Which in addition to being a great and hugely influential album holds a special place in my heart.
As a teenager I went through a really bad breakup. Saying I was a shitshow afterward is putting it lightly and I spent a lot of time sulking in my room and fighting with basically everyone.
I don't remember why my brothers were gone on one particular Saturday but my mum decided to take me out to do errands with her.
We weren't getting along at the time and I don't even remember where we went -maybe we just went for a drive, I don't know- but that drive is one of the few times I actually remember getting along with her during that period of my life.
We came home and my dad and I hung out in the basement and we listened to "Help!" on vinyl and had a really big heart-to-heart about my feels.
I wasn't really into opening up and talking about how I felt, but sitting there having a hot chocolate and a rye n coke (my dad is cool) and listening to The Beatles helped me open up and start to deal with shit.
That night was the first night in a long time where I felt like I had the capacity to be happy and listening to that album is a huge, important part of that memory. That album means a lot to me.
It still does.
HBD "Help!"
last night I watched Across The Universe
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which I saw in a theatre in Hamilton a few years ago back when I lived there but didn't really get to watch for a few reasons
1. the kids in front of us brought beer into the theatre and my bf at the time was 'allergic to beer' (even though he drank sometimes -in hindsight I think he was just a lightweight a-hole) and heard the cans cracking open and smelled it because they were a row ahead of us and got mad.
2. the same kids started singing along after a few beers and he got madder.
3. after a whisper-fight about the kids in front of us drinking beer and singing and whether or not my now ex-bf should yell at them (hint: he did anyway) he moved a seat away from me and glared at me for the rest of the movie.
4. my ex didn't like the beatles and especially didn't like movies where people did covers of original songs so getting him to come with me was like pulling teeth. I mean, he got mad that they covered 'somebody to love' in happy feet.
anyway I remember being super jazzed about it coming out because you know I've always loved the beatles ever since I was introduced to them by my senior-year highschool boyfriend who was obsessed with them. he also loved tupac and the white stripes but stories about him are stories for another day.
the reason I didn't start listening to the beatles until I was in highschool was because my british mum hates the beatles which I didn't realize was actually allowed, her being british and all, but there ya go. as a result my memories of the beatles remind me of the apartment he had after we graduated and appleton's rum and parquet flooring.
but the movie reminds me of someone else, and the fight we had in the movie theatre.
or at least it did.
now it reminds me of ice cream and hugs and blogging.
funny how things change.
I want to be in a Soap Box Derby
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like the one we saw at ManyFest yesterday.
if I were competing in a soap box derby we'd have a theme which would be "Yellow Submarine" and we'd decorate our soap box to look like the Yellow Submarine and we'd all dress up as the psychedelic Beatles and push it since we're in #Winnipeg and there are no hills to compete on down Broadway and I would be dressed up as Ringo of course

I'd do a horrible shop of my face over his but I have mega schoolreads to do tonight and to be honest I just don't have the time so you're spared me mutilating this lovely piece of Beatles art
and speaking of The Beatles and speaking of Yellow Submarine and speaking of doing acid (because they're all related, right?) Tyrone picks me up from my evening classes and tonight as we were walking home this extremely cheerful dude asked 'the preppy guy' (Tyrone) for a lighter and as he was getting around to lighting his smoke he offered to sell us some 'really wicked' acid because he was 'flying high wish us guys' and though we didn't take any it was nice of him because who sells 'really good acid' to complete strangers?
that guy, I guess. it was weird.
almost as weird as seeing a giant box of Chinese take-out coming up the street