Tagged: video-games
something scary just happened
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which was that I was playing Limbo, which I may have blogged about before (probably) and is this platformer for XBoxLive that is super creepy and off-putting which of course makes it very, very good. Basically it's all shadows and light, no dialogue but for sound effects and some subtle music you don't realize is playing until you notice your skin crawling.it looks like this:
and there isn't a restart or a save or anything, it's all trial and error and the only way to know if you've made a mistake is if you die. which you do. often. and in a really gory fashion, usually.
anyway so I'm playing along and there are several instances where you have to fight this giant spider by breaking its legs in bear traps or knocking it into a spiky pit or pulling its legs off and rolling it into a hole. after beating this spider I get up to go pee and when I come back this is what's on the couch:

yes that's A SPIDER
it looks teeny because I took the photo from far away because there is zero chance that I am going near a spider so I took it at arms length while Tyrone went and got some paper towel to kill it with.
he didn't catch it right away and it proceeded to crawl over part of the couch and if that wasn't scary enough the place where it was hiding was right behind my head.
so now we have switched spots on the couch and Tyrone is playing Limbo instead while I blog because I've had enough scary spiders for tonight, thank you.
I love video games
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we all know this.Since I got it as a Christmas gift I've been allowing Fallout: New Vegas to eat up a good chunk of my free time -I've beaten it once and am replaying it again and taking a totally new approach and storyline (one of the joys of modern gaming IMO).

Since Ty and I live together he's been exposed to a lot of the game over the past while, in addition to many omgomgomgomg moments as I played through the game the first time and it only makes sense that after dealing with my obsession for so long he had to find out what all my giddy, fangirlish excitement was about.
As a result we now have to set schedules for who gets to use the Xbox 360, but that's another story entirely.
Another side effect is that not only do we have actual in-depth conversations about the plot of the game, but that we (Ty) has developed a slight obsession with post-apocalyptia and dystopian futures.
Which is how we wound up watching this last night:
I have to say that The Road is one of the most intense and wholly depressing film experiences I've ever had. The story follows an unnamed father and son as they travel south to the ocean in a world destroyed by some natural

Ty was pumped because Viggo is in it but despite several n00d shots from the back he reminded me too much of Christian Bale in The Machinist to be eye-candy
(honestly just looking at the photo to the right freaks me out -eugh!)
though his acting prowess definitely deserves some cred here. I always forget that he's not just a handsome gentleman, but also a first-rate actor.
Anyway, creepy Christian Bale aside the film 'The Road' is based on a book (of course) which I am ordering off Amazon as we speak because something so sublimely off-putting on film must be even better in book form, and what better light summer reading that a book about the end of the world and humanity as we know it?
But apparently not all dystopian films are depressing and make me want to jump off a cliff à la 28 Days Later and/or star Charlton Heston doing this:
Uh... what. Anyway case in point is Six String Samurai, an apparently ridiculous dystopian comedy which we will be watching tonight:
Do you guys have any movie recommendations for dystopian films?
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If it wasn't already apparent that I'm a massive n3rd then it should be by what I spent the vast majority of my evening doing:
Yup, getting my SNES emulator on and playing some good old-fashioned Super Mario RPG
This game was a staple of my childhood, guys. I remember being in elementary school when this came out (I want to say gr4 but I could be wrong) and let me tell you there were many fistfights and instances of verbal trickery involved in getting my brothers to hand over their 'turn' on the highly-coveted SNES.
Though if we're going to get onto the subject of the embarrassing awesome things I did as a kid to get my videogame time on it's worth mentioning that I, as a kid, would wake up on Saturday/Sunday mornings at 5-6am in order to get some solo in-the-dark VG tamz in.
Yes I realize how drastic that sounds, but I have two younger brothers who coveted bonding time with those cartridges as much as I did and honestly, there's nothing like experiencing this particular game alone, uninterrupted:
Ooh just hearing that opening tune makes my heart go pitter-pat.
Luckily now for me I'm an adult and on top of all the neat stuff I can do like party, drink and stay up all night, I can now add 'play videogames by myself and not share' to that list. I can come home from work or class, crack open a b33r and indulge in some one-on-one time with my video games.
Listen to me, how do I even have a boyfriend?
Oh, because he's just as excited about this coming out as I am: