Everyone on /r/gaming is doing this
so here's the story of my first "wow" moment in gaming.
Which isn't really true because it's my mum's
but it's the first one that I remember
so here it goes:
when I was a youth we had a SNES and because we didn't have a ton of money
we rented The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
from the video store down the street
(for like, a year, but whatever)
and my mum was super into it.
Like, really into it.
So one day after school we're hanging out
Mum's playing away while dinner cooks
doing some stuff in the Lost Woods
and she says
"Wow this is so realistic! I don't think anything could get more realistic!"
So I don't know how thrilled she was several years later when I showed her this:
Sorry Mum.