October 2011

don't say I've never done anything nice for you

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because after sharing that piece of grilled cheese video wisdom you can't ever be mad at me again.


recently I've been trimming

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my FaceBook friends list.

there's just so much crap on there that I don't care about. I don't care about those stupid 'viral pictures' or whatever that are going around. I don't care to have the same party pushed on me by two dozen people. I don't care about Justin Beiber.

recently I was on Tyrone's laptop and was looking at his feed without realizing it was his (since most of our friends are the same) and I was struck by how much irrelevant, whiny, trolling posts there were before realizing that I wasn't logged into my own profile and I was just seeing the fat I'd trimmed away from my proverbial FaceBook lean.

I try to make it a habit to not bitch about stuff that annoys me, or stuff that I hate, on FaceBook. it seems to be a cesspool for idiocy and let's face it: haters gonna hate. there's always going to be something pissing someone off no matter what time it is or what day of the week it happens to be, and though I generally try not to clutter up my FaceBook feed with rants about crap that I hate I present to you here a list of all the things that I hate that I don't deign important enough to clutter up other social media channels.

Car commercials, sports bars where the girls dress up like slutty referees, Glee, 3D, Jane Lynch, newer Tim Burton movies, autostereograms, Republicans, Libertarians, reality tv, infotainment, Alice in Chains, Justin Beiber, homophobes, Stephen Harper, blues music, Willem Dafoe's face, Fox News, people who hate Apple products (idiots), most stand-up comedians, gameshow music, the circus, clowns, smelly children, most children, Dora the Explorer, TreeHouse TV, Kim Kardashian, people who care about Hollywood marriages, girls who look down on me because I don't go to Whiskey Dixx on a Friday/Saturday night, The Harper Government, Steve Buscemi, meat loaf (the food not the singer), T-Pain, polls, platform shoes, kandi kids, The Situation, the war on terror, puns, (most) movie remakes, people who have fake FaceBook names, punk rock, clothes with spikes on them and/or black jean clothing, the word 'pasture', spiders, scary-long fake nails, white pants, inflation, LiveJournal, weeaboos, Habbo Hotel, Chinese knockoffs, Westboro Baptist Church, ragecomics, people who don't get memes but insist on making them, squat toilets, GW Bush, people who obsess over World of Warcraft, The Blue Waffle, Gilbert Godfrey, all Disney sequels except Return of Jafar, vampires, Twilight, werewolves, people who pick their noses in public, Jennifer Aniston, duckface, Nicholas Cage, and Taco Bell, people who don't 'get' social media, people who wear too-tight pants, Colonel Sanders and Adam Sandler comedies.

oh there's lots more but, I've got work.


facebook is driving me insane

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while I may know 361 people I am certainly not friends with 361 people and have decided to do the requisite FaceBook Purge today and it's like the instant you start trying to unfriend people the site goes I SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING THERE and begins to screw up and lag and basically not work unless you go back to your feed and do regular stuff like comment on your friends stupid pictures of cats, or whatever

I've said this before, but I'm kind of sick of FaceBook

yes I know the benefits of being on the biggest social network (that's why I'm still on it) but I find myself frustrated and annoyed with it more often than not and I don't understand why people continue to use it if it is as bad as we all perceive it to be? all my friends bitch all the time about how 'FaceBook sucks', but nobody I know has made a serious move to another platform.

I feel bad for not using G+ as much but only like three other people I know use it so it's just me and Shabooty most of the time.

I found a recipe for these online and now all I can think about is skipping Sociology and making these (I won't). Also I have been trying really hard to eat less bacon but it's hard around my social circle because we were all obsessed with bacon long before it became cool.

Will says he is going to make them when we come over and watch a Jets game sometime and now the interest I have in seeing a Jets game has gone up by 40% which is 40% more than I cared before.

though I'm sure you'd love to keep hearing me talk about food and hockey and stupid FaceBook I have to put on pants and go to class. lucky you guys.

where have I been

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where has the weekend gone?

saturday spent lying in a living room as dark as I could get it popping leftover T3's from my surgery because the Migraine From Hell that I developed in the early afternoon made me feel like I was going to die. spent all day nearly getting sick from the pain & unable to really move, sipping on flat 7Up to try and calm my stomach and with a cold cloth on my forehead/neck. tried to sleep most of the day away and spent all night drifting in and out of sleep whole playing Netflix on my iPad because the silence was driving me crazy.

I had weird dreams about Apollo 13 and Tom Hanks that I can't really remember.

that made-for-tv movie for Dead Like Me wasn't any better than I thought it would be.

Sunday stumbled into the living room stuffed up and cranky, eating a slice of old pizza and glued to the couch with Tyrone.

we watched all of season one of The Walking Dead which is, wow, amazing and also embarrassing that I hadn't seen it before.

I also made him watch some X Files (thanks again Netflix!) and we had dinner at my parents where I drank a few gross Budweiser because it was either that or Lucky Lager which makes me nauseous just thinking about it

was passed out on the couch by 11pm and woke up at 10am.

I am officially a sickly, exhausted old lady.

I woke up today and the first thing I thought was 'I haven't been on The Internet in two days' and it freaked me out so I began writing this right away still unfed still unshowered in a camisole that doesn't match my panama pants and sniffling and coughing with Tyrone playing Super Paper Mario in the other room.

I feel like a freak when I am sick and this doesn't want to end.

I didn't eat a single thing all Saturday and yesterday I had a slice of leftover pizza and some roast beef and roasted potatoes and two Yorkshire puddings and two beers from my dad and thinking about that makes me want to get dressed and inhale a giant plate of poutine from Papa George's in the Village or for some reason have a hot dog from a vendor and I don't know what those two have to do with one another but I think I will be harassing Tyrone into going out for dinner today because there is no way I am making anything so there.

speaking of food Tyrone wants to discuss making me breakfast and what I want to that is more important than writing this nonsense right now.


TIL that Jean Chrétien was a badass

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one of my favourite pieces of Canadiana is the "Shawinigan Handshake, which is featured in the above video.

the best part is Jean Chrétien's commentary after the fact.

it's one of my favourite JC moments, right behind when someone tried to break into The Two-Four and he fended off an assignation attempt until the RCMP got there.

Canadian PMs used to be so cool.

now we have Harper. wtf happened.


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Goodbye Steve Jobs

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I've been meaning to post this video for a while, and it's a shame that this is the reason that I've been given to do it.

for me to say Steve Jobs was an amazing human being is to put it lightly.

his spirit, his vision, and his drive changed the way we use technology and integrate it into our daily lives and though he made a fortune doing it, at the core of everything he did what he did because he believed in creating beautiful and simple products that could improve people's lives.

it's no secret that I'm an Apple fangirl, but the reasons I love Apple products aren't because they're trendy or cool, it's because they're artistic, well-thought out, innovative and revolutionary machines (which is what in turn makes them trendy or cool, now that I think about it).

if more people were like Steve Jobs today, the world would be a very different place. but what we need to do is learn from his example, live every day like it's our last and strive for beauty and perfection in everything we do, and maybe one day we can touch people's lives the way that he did.

thank you for everything Steve, there will never be another like you.

Why I want to fly Air New Zealand:

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the Rico campaign.

Rico is a globe-trotting puppet who promotes their series of international seating arrangements through a series of off-colour jokes and dirty double-entendres which push the limits of what can be implied in a television commercial. He's also featured prominently on their YouTube page.

I won't lie, I found Rico by way of Air New Zealand's The Inseperable Sheep commercial which features David Hasselhoff doing... weird David Hasselhoff-type stuff that makes you feel kind of uneasy (which is what makes it great)

but I love, love, love the Rico campaign.

At times it's eye-yolling bad and at others it's so borderline crass you wonder how it manages to make its way onto TV. They have him being obsessed with Kim Kardashian and even made a special Valentine's Day message to her.

He also interviews celebrities on The Skycouch

makes rap videos with Snoop Dogg

and wrote a fake book called "Beating off the Track"

what I love about this campaign is that it shows that the airline is willing to take some risks with its image in order to stand apart in an otherwise (let's face it) pretty bland market. It also implies that Kiwis don't take themselves too seriously and that Air New Zealand is a 'fun' airline which will be a unique experience.

usually I think puppets are weird and creepy, and even though Rico is a weird and creepy puppet, he isn't a typical 'airline mascot' in the boring, normal sense. let's face it, marketing something like a seat on an airline isn't the most enthralling campaign, but Air New Zealand hit the ball out of the park on this one.

not to mention Rico gives some pretty sweet advice.


This is my pretty friend Rhonda

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she's standing in front of a mural at Nuit Blanche in the Manitoba Museum.

the museum was a 'dry event' which we didn't know about and decided to make the best of it by traipsing around the museum half-cut which was great until we went on The Nonsuch and I found out it never even sailed the seas (!!!) and Rhonda got yelled at for touching a rope so we booked it out of there asap.

last year's Nuit Blanche was substantially better for me considering we actually got in to the WAG unlike this year where there was a lineup 400 people deep by 10:30pm. riiiight. we tried to sneak into Stella's but our waiter half-confronted us and Shawna said "oh we came in through that door" (obvious back door) so that didn't go too well. I spoke to some peeps on campus today and some people waited an hour and a half to get in to the WAG are you kidding me? unreal.

in hindsight we could have gone to the party that was apparently happening in the Exchange District but to be perfectly honest none of us knew what was going on down there which is odd since Tyrone and I spent a good chunk of time trying to plan an itinerary which was consequently ruined by the dry event we didn't know was a dry event.

ideally next year will be more of a success and we will camp out at the WAG all night and just not leave like we did last year (should have learned our lesson).

I worked all day and had class all night and am tired and worn our and cranky can you tell?

Tyrone is getting frustrated with Super Paper Mario so I am going to go console him here is a video to make up for all my whining:


Hip Hop Sunday #18 - Kanye West & Jay Z - Otis

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spent all yesterday getting ready for yesterday night

now it's too bright and my head hurts

stories later

Happy Hip Hop Sunday



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