Tagged: beer
Guinness' new ad just earned them a loyal customer
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Now that's not to say that I haven't had Guinness before. I have.
In fact I'll pick it over a lot of other beers when my usual standby craft beers aren't available.
But their new ad struck a chord with me in a way that I can say no other beer commercial has done before.
Especially as a woman who, honestly, loves beer.
See, I've always taken issue with the image of the classic beer drinker: some super macho guy who loves sports and wears ball caps and dates cheerleaders.
Obviously I don't fit into any of those categories -I'm not a man, I don't like sports, I hate ball caps, I'm not a cheerleader... plus, I don't like men who like sports, wear ball caps and date cheerleaders. Those just aren't 'my' people.
They drink beer like me, but I've always felt removed from mainstream beer culture for those reasons -mainstream beer isn't "for" me.
But Guinness -which I consider to be a relatively 'mainstream' beer- really impressed me with their new commercial.
It's intense and moving. It shows people -men, specifically- being kind and considerate and genuinely good people. It shows them showing compassion for someone else.
Sure, there's some sports involved, but it doesn't feel like the same 'HURR HURR FOOTBALL' usually associated with beer commercials. It feels genuine.
The first few seconds are really intense and emotional, and when everyone gets up out of their wheelchairs and you realize that it's a bunch of dudes doing it for the benefit of their friend it just breaks your heart in this unspeakably wonderful way.
In particular I like the phrase they chose to use at the end of the commercial:
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character"
because means so much more than just what we choose to drink at the bar.
Well done, Guinness. You've come out with a thoughtful, touching and elegant advertisement for your product and you've earned yourself a lifelong supporter.
yesterday wasn't nicole's birthday
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even though for some reason I thought it was now I'm even more charmed that she had us fools and a few cool people over to her place last night to drink beer and make and eat perogies together
before that started though yr hero managed to send cracker flying after I tried to spread cheese on a cracker that clearly wasn't meant for spreading. whoops. I also dropped bruschetta all over myself but I wasn't the only one.
eventually everyone started making perogies but I didn't because I learned my lesson from the cracker incident earlier and just hung back and chatted with some ladies including the lovely vanessa instead.
later on in the eve I had a lager that didn't agree with my tummy (it might have also been the copious amounts of food we ate. maybe). and got the tireds, so we left.
and snuggled together all the way home.
big thanks to our lovely friend for having us <3
Still on the mend...
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but getting better every day, and thank goodness because we've been so busy the past few days I don't even know where the time has gone!This past weekend between a housewarming party and delicious Chinese food from Vi-Ann (it's in The Village, go if you have the chance!) Ty and I headed to Lo Pub to check out the very last Data Dance, hosted by our friend mrghosty. It was fantastic! Retro video game consoles lining the sides of the pub with lots of games to choose from
(I got my ass handed to me at Street Fighter, but came in 2nd on GameCube Mario Kart!)
and sweet chiptune music.

Oh, and I almost forgot!
We are now the proud owners of some vintage 1970's his & hers roadster bikes! Okay, they aren't fixies like I would have preferred (I buy into that stereotype for the lulz) but they've got sweet 5-speed shifters, which I've never actually seen before! Obviously they need a little fixing up, but we scored both of them for 60$ (thanks kijiji!) and after putting air in the tires and some grease on the chains we were able to ride them home (which is good because the guy we bought them from lived basically on the outskirts of the South end of the city -whew!)
Essentially I'm having fantasies about cute dresses, wicker baskets and biking to the park (or anywhere!) on a sunny day. This video is basically like bike pr0n to me right now:

(the smiling part, not the pancake part)