Tagged: Music

Two things from yesterday

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This vid of my favourite Imaginary Cities song which they played with the WSO at the Scotiabank stage at the Forks last night for Canada Day which gave me shivers because it was so good:

and this photo of me in my lovely blue dress courtesy of Connor:


I'm too doped on Benylin to blog anymore so the rest will have to wait.


This band isn't even very good

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but this song has been stuck in my head all day

which is weird because I haven't listened to it in years.

And it's not that I'm feeling sad

or down

or even particularly bad

like I did yesterday.

In fact today I feel great.

Sometimes though

when I'm really happy

I get this song stuck in my head.

Which is weird I know.

But I didn't say this post was going to make sense.

I dreamt about you nearly every night this week

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New Arctic Monkeys.

Happy Wednesday to all.

Hip Hop Sunday #74 Kanye West - New Slaves

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Posted mostly because the presentation in this vid is pretty cool

and I really like the dude on the back right who is SUPER into it.

In all honesty I actually really like Yeezus

which surprised me for some reason

which is dumb because I have (and like) all of his other albums

so I should have known better.

Either way I like it a lot

especially the track Black Skinhead

which uses a beat sampled from Gary Glitter's Rock n Roll Part 2

which is also used in another track that I really like:

(Happy Hip Hop Sunday, dears!)

Welcome to my afternoon

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(bridal showers + mimosas are like a kick to the teeth)

Hip Hop Sunday #74 Abstract Artform - Through My Music

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One of those Sunday mornings when I ask myself

why the hell am I awake already?

and showered, to boot?!

After an evening of throwing a glowing frisbee in the park in the middle of the night

accompanied by a bonfire

smokies n 'shmallows

and random drunken lost people who became our friends

(and donated more firewood, thanks!)

I should still be asleep right now.


I've got a wedding shower to go to

with snacks n mimosas to make

and I don't wanna let the lovely Derp Review down.

So here I am.


Enjoying the shit out of my hip hop Sunday.

Hope you are too.


The only problem with Aband*nthecar's show last night

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was that not enough people saw it.

This was due to some really bad scheduling on the part of Stylus Magazine, who hosted the show at the Rose n Bee last night where there were two kickass acts and one wtf in between.

Usually I don't go around slamming local musicians. Yr grl can't read music, sing, or play an instrument to save 'er life but I know tone-deaf when I hear it and the second act (who shall remain nameless) was tone-deaf.IMG_6768

The first band, Hana Lu Lu, were amazing. Check 'em out if you're in prairietown and like new wave and fog machines and lead singers with long hair who are kinda smarmy.

They played a really good set and their music was top-notch, so when dude got on stage with a guitar and an amp got on stage we were all

"alright let's do this. rock our socks guy"

except he kinda totally did the exact opposite.

I won't rag on him too much but it was bad news. He kept losing track of where he was in his songs, was tone-deaf, and for his last "song" did an a cappella terrible karaoke-style version of Like A Prayer complete with ad-libbed hoarse-screamed ad-libbed versions of the lyrics about how he didn't know why he was still singing.

Protip: neither did we.

By the time he was done the bar was basically cleared which was sad because Aband*nthecar's set was so sweet and lovely and even though we were out way too late it was worth it.

Needless to say I'm unimpressed with how the Stylus people handled the show. The minute they realized the guy was bombing they should have pulled him offstage, because they did a real disservice to a musician who clearly took the show seriously.

So for those of you that didn't get to, you can hear the stylings of Aband*nthecar here, and in the video below:

Aband*nthecar - timetraveler1 from Rachael Hosein on Vimeo.



Hip Hop Sunday #73 A Tribe Called Quest - We Can Get Down

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Today I:

- played in the sunshine with my friends
- saw snakes have sex
- chased & held some snakes
- had a picnic
- drank spiked apple cider
- listened to Radiolab in the car on the way home
- held Tyrone's hand
- had the perfect Sunday

Hope yours was great too! xox

remember these lists?

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Stolen from busblog, the only blogger who can make these cool.

1. a few
2. I've fucked up my life here n there
3. on everyone
4. many
5. water
6. try "strong dislike" -hate is wasteful
7. the best
8. you haven't lived if you haven't (yes)
9. currently working it
10. was, am, will be
11. today (contacts)
12. purple
13. average
14. 11/11/87
15. blue
16. boring
17. you
18. Internet
19. kiss
20. Shaner
21. norwegian wood - the beatles
22. the beatles or library voices or matt good
23. it's happened
24. worrying about what other people thought
25. book
26. game of thrones
27. I can't choose, my life is great
28. I write a mean blog (or so I'm told)
29. Tyrone, Kat, my secret blog
30. cracking joints, being dumb
31. above all else.
32. okay shouldnt be a goal [kept this because it's good]

Also this track, because it's what I'm listening to and it's great:

Happy Friday xox

Hip Hop Sunday #72 Massive Attack feat. Mos Def - I Against I

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Spent the night at Will's cabin with my besties yesterday. It rained but it didn't matter, we climbed on ice on the lake and sang songs and BBQ'd.

Sitting around the fire drinking a beer I couldn't help but think to myself

I'm so lucky

Still feeling that way, in fact. Happy, exhausted & lucky as hell.

Hope you're enjoying your (long weekend) hip hop Sunday.



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