Tagged: cop-out-post-3

You know what, I'm just going to put this out there

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I don't fucking get Yoko Ono.

I'm so exhausted it's hard to type

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I'm lying in bed resting my poor, sore feet after spending the whole evening cleaning the apartment. When you have hardwood floors everywhere plodding back and forth from room to room dusting, sweeping, mopping and etc takes a toll and combined with the excessive partying between festivals and weddings and etc lately I'm wiped.

It's almost a shame that we're leaving to head to BC in two sleeps for Motion Notion.


I didn't grow up going camping at all and the first time I went "camping" it was just this giant outdoor multi-day mini festival and I didn't even have a tent. I was supposed to share a tent with a girl I knew and that kinda got fucked up.

That was a fucked up weekend, kinda.

But it got me camping, which has led to it being an "every other weekend" event every summer.

Anyway the day after Motion Notion ends Ty and I are going to Radium Hot Springs and we're gonna stay in a hotel with a real bed and a real shower and go for greasy food in town in addition to soaking in the hot springs before driving home.

After four days of camping in tents and only showering when I feel like coughing up $5 (!!!) for a few minutes of soapy goodness it's gonna be unreal.

I'd like to say I'll be blogging about it but who knows. I'm so behind with Folk Fest and Owen and D's wedding and all the other nonsense we've been up to this summer that I can't make any promises right now.

Because I'd never lie to you, because ILU.

Even if I don't keep in touch all that often.

Throwback Thursday: Winnipeg is the best place to be from

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which is something you don't hear often
not even from people from winnipeg
but it's true.

we're a big city still trying to be a small town
stuck being a small town with big-city problems
with shitty weather half the year
and a seething inferiority complex
in the middle of nowhere
and we spend more time slamming
our sketchy mayor
our shitty transit system
and our winters
than saying good things about anything.

but our little frozen hovel
stuck out in the prairie
like a defiant 'fuck you' to common sense
amazing artists, writers, and most of all musicians
and a complex, intricate love/hate relationship
with the place we call 'home'.

this town makes you nicer
you smile and say 'hello' and make small talk in line at tim horton's
help out your neighbours or that guy
whose car got snowed in up the block
not because you want someone to reward you for doing it
but because it's the nice thing to do, dammit.

being stuck in the middle of the country
makes us much more appreciative
of what other cities have
oh you have efficient mass transit?
oh your skyline has buildings in it?
and up until a few weeks ago
oh you have an IKEA?

its size makes us all connected
everyone's had too much to drink at the king's head
gone to osborne village on canada day
seen a show at the west end
had a greasy burger at blondie's
been harassed the twoonie lady downtown
and we've all suffered from
missing a bus that came thirty seconds too early
or getting stuck outside waiting for a bus that came twenty minutes late
trying to strike a balance between two options
which are never in your favour.

living here makes you hard
we're sarcastic and cynical and critical
of everything
especially ourselves
and especially our hometown
which is why when someone else makes fun of it
they can fuck off
because that's our job
and unless you've spent your life
shovelling snow and dealing with overnight parking bans
hanging out at the toad people-watching on the weekends
driving to grand beach during the summer
complaining about all the things you could do if only
you were somewhere else
you haven't earned the right to bash winnipeg.

because you don't love it like we do
especially not as as much as when we say

"I fucking hate this town".

** thanks to @nicolebarry204 for reminding me that this post existed -it's still true!


This is why we date

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I have a problem caused by the internet

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Well okay maybe it isn't caused by the internet per-se but rather my obsession with it.

I want to sit down and game out super hard n nerdy like I used to and not on Xbox games but on my iMac. I bought a sweet Humble Bundle off Steam last night that had Dear Esther and Hotline Miami and a bunch of other rando stuff that I haven't tried yet and I haven't touched it, like, at all.

Not even once.

Because every time I sit down at my stupid computer and maximize the screen to play a game I get filled with this overwhelming horror like

what is something is happening on the internet without me?!

and I minimize the screen and OCD check my Twitter and Facebook feeds and even though there's usually something new it wasn't worth minimizing the window I was using and pulling myself out of what I was trying to do so I could see that someone 'liked' my stupid post.

Back when I was a kid I had this game called Realms of the Haunting which was a totally badass fucking game.

It was like 6 CD's long and really poor quality and I would hole up in my parents basement with a blanket (it was cold and I have poor circulation) playing the shit out of this game for hours on end.

I didn't care about the internet or what other people were doing on it because I was getting to kill demons with my magic sword, or whatever.

But now I'm an adult and I don't game as much as I used to.

Now I have a boyfriend and a job and a blog and friends and adventures and sex and and an internet empire to build. So that's cool.

But I miss those days of unhindered gaming so bad sometimes.

Life was simpler then.

Obligatory 4th of July post

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Slept in super late today

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because I have the day off because I'm still rocking a fierce summer head-cold and my boss was all "your sniffling is gross please stay home for a day" which I did and as a result I cuddled the cats and slept will 11am. That equals over 14hrs of sleep since I dozed off halfway though that episode of Parks and Rec I was watching with Tyrone. Cray!

Even though I'm sick I had to keep my dentist appointment to get my chipped tooth fixed. It happened a few weeks ago while I was eating a taco from Modern Taco. My tooth felt kinda weird and I went to the bathroom and was like "well fuck" and since then it's been bothering me like hell but honestly? I'm busy and it took longer to look after than I'd planned.

I knew it was finally time when I mentioned making the appointment to Tyrone and he said

"I was wondering when you were going to do something about that"

which hurt my feelings a little bit. But whatever.

I go to this amazing dentist who doesn't fuck around. I'd tell you who but I don't want everyone going there and cramping my style, because he's always on time and is the fastest dentist I've ever been to. My chipped tooth was fixed in less than ten minutes and he ran off to see a million more patients that day.

Oh and did I mention that he billed my insurance company 100% of the cost so it was free? Oh yeah.

I made Tyrone come meet me for lunch and then drive me home, which was my plot all along because baby it's hot out and the busses were slow because there's construction everywhere and I'm sick goddammit and didn't want to deal with that nonsense.

Since then I've napped on the couch and watched 1/2 of The Hunger Games.

It's hard being productive when yr sick.

Two things from yesterday

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This vid of my favourite Imaginary Cities song which they played with the WSO at the Scotiabank stage at the Forks last night for Canada Day which gave me shivers because it was so good:

and this photo of me in my lovely blue dress courtesy of Connor:


I'm too doped on Benylin to blog anymore so the rest will have to wait.


This band isn't even very good

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but this song has been stuck in my head all day

which is weird because I haven't listened to it in years.

And it's not that I'm feeling sad

or down

or even particularly bad

like I did yesterday.

In fact today I feel great.

Sometimes though

when I'm really happy

I get this song stuck in my head.

Which is weird I know.

But I didn't say this post was going to make sense.

I dreamt about you nearly every night this week

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New Arctic Monkeys.

Happy Wednesday to all.

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