Tagged: videos-2

Breaking news

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I still know all the words to Shoop.

As you were.

Where does the time go?

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Is it just me or is this week flying by?

Spent all of yesterday hanging at Vine Multimedia HQ and was unbelievably busy. I took the photos to create this gif in-between eating my salad and writing some blog content but didn't even have the time to post it.


After work I spent the evening at Kat's and she whipped up her take Bún Thịt Nướng and it was delicious. Having some midweek lady-hangs was really nice as well!


I've been on a crazy Rebecca and Fiona kick lately, especially since we've gotten our new car. This track is so good for zipping around to, I'm not ashamed to say Tyrone and I have definitely had car dance parties listening to it.

Today I'm attempting to get some studying done with basically no luck. It's impossible when you have a super-cute kitten looking for your attention. Cat lady problems!

Happy Humpday!

happy friday

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have some wine
have a greasy grilled cheese
and relax
(it's what I'm doing & I promise you it works)

it's the weekend, mofos.
enjoy it.


forget everything you saw yesterday

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this is the best 2013 april fool's video.

Hip Hop Sunday # 66 - Hustleblood - Hustleblood (Abstract Artform x Blac

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back in 2012 Tyrone and I went out for drinks with @cenquist and wound up being introduced to @abstractartform

one of the sweetest, coolest, most unique people I've had the pleasure of hanging out with

plus he's talented as shit.

he tweeted the link to this vid to a few of us earlier this week

and the track made my day.

hope it makes yours.

enjoy your hiphop sunday. xox


that's it, if I ever have kids

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they aren't allowed on the internet.

this makes me really excited for Game of Thrones

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is that weird?

I should confess

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I love sesame street.

a lot of the stuff kids watch these days is crap

plain & simple

but sesame street will always be great

because it manages to still be fun and innovative

clever and cute.

and while it still appeals to kids everywhere

there are moments like these

(and some others that I love)

that are totally for grownups.

here's your friday morning badass

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stuff like this makes my life.

I really liked the first Iron Man

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I don't remember seeing it or who I saw it with but I know that I enjoyed it more than most people because I'm really not familiar with the franchise beyond the movies. iron man wasn't one of the comic books I was into as a lass so I got to enjoy it purely for it's over-the-top fight scenes and also how tasty Robert Downey Jr. is.

when the second Iron Man was in theatres I saw it kinda by accident. Tyrone and I were in Toronto after being in Montreal for MUTEK for a week with all of our friends, and we were staying with my aunt & uncle for a few days before going home.

we had been walking around and didn't want to go back to my aunts house just yet so we figured

fuck it, let's go see iron man 2

it was okay from what I remember. we were both wiped and I think Tyrone dozed off but I stayed relatively alert due to an infusion of cola and sugary snacks.


I didn't expect the 3rd one to look like anything I'd want to see because the 2nd one wasn't really anything that I wanted to see

filler. action. hot girls. RDJ.

topical stuff perfect to watch after a week of nonstop partying, adventuring and memory-making.

though I have to say this trailer looks better than I thought a 3rd instalment would.

but I'm still way more excited for star trek.

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